Restrict application ’stripping’:


Dongle type:



Normally Windows application protection utilities remove data from the applications not included into the application segments. This usually allows removing the debugging data casually left and even decreasing the size of the protected application: an application file becomes smaller after the protection procedure.

However, in some cases such ‘cleaning’ leaves a negative impact on further operation of the application, since some of them may keep essential data randomly scattered in the EXE file. For example, in Windows applications written in FoxPro the byte-code being interpreted is stored not in its respective segment but in the end of the EXE file. 

Option /NOS (do not ‘strip’ the application) cancels the ‘cleaning’ operation. If the protected Windows application works incorrectly, protect it with option /NOS. 


NwKey32.exe /GS3S /NOS MyProg.exe

This is an example of protecting a Native app with Guardant Sign dongle. During the process of protection the data not included into the application segments will not be deleted.

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