Set binding to dongle type: 

/GS3S[=N:L], /GN3S[=N:L], /GC[=N:L], /GS3[=N:L], /GN3[=N:L], /GS2[=N:L], /GN2[=N:L]


Dongle models:

Guardant Time/SignGuardant Time/Sign NetGuardant CodeGuardant Stealth IIIGuardant Net IIIGuardant Stealth IIGuardant Net II

Additional parameters:

NA serial number (numerical name) of a symmetric-key hardware algorithm (GSII64 or AES) in the dongle’s memory
LInput message length, L<= 256, where L is multiple of 8 (if using GSII64) or multiple of 16 (if using AES)

If options of this group were used for protection, launching the protected application would be possible only with a dongle: the application is tuned to the access code of a dongle of the specified type connected to the computer at the moment of setting the protection.

The setting of the additional parameters N and L for the algorithm will be used in the process of protection to specify the number and query length.

If N and L are not set, the protection will be executed using the default algorithm.

Default algorithm’s parameters depend on the dongle model:

Dongle TypeDefault Algorythm’s Parameters
Guardant Sign/TimeGS3S=0:8
Guardant Sign/Time NetGN3S=0:8
Guardant Code-
Guardant Stealth IIIGS3=0:8
Guardant Net IIIGN3=0:8
Guardant Stealth IIGS2=5:8
Guardant Net IIGN2=5:8

You can also enable one or more options from this group or any combination of these options. In the latter case the protected application will be launched if even one of the dongles of the specified Guardant dongle types is connected to the computer.

The dongles supplied to clients along with the protected application must have an algorithm with the same number, query size and determinant as defined during the protection procedure.

Important information

If none of options of this group are used, the application will not be tied to the dongle (i.e. it will launch even without any dongles connected to the computer). However it will be protected against debuggers. You can use this feature, for instance, for protecting applications that work in the demo mode without a dongle.


NwKey32.exe /GS3S /GS3 MyProg.exe


The protected Win32 application called MyProg.exe will launch if any dongle of Guardant Sign or Guardant Stealth III types is connected to the computer. The default file mask is written into the dongles. No additional dongle search criteria specified.

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