The problem of updating the information in dongles already located with the application users is topical for the loadable code also. Sooner or later this code will require updates or corrections.

Meeting the following conditions is required for successful update of the loadable code:

  • The developer should have the dump (mask file) containing the key pairs for encrypting and signing the loadable code.
  • The user should have the Guardant Code dongle containing the algorithm descriptor with the loadable code as well as private key for decrypting the code and public key for verifying the EDS.
  • The key pairs in the mask and the dongle must be identical.

You need to generate a new GCEXE file with updated code encrypted and signed on respective keys in order to update the loadable code.

The update itself can be done using the TRU technology as well as using the direct loading of GCEXE file from the loadable application using GrdCodeLoad() function.

You can make the procedure of updating the loadable code transparent for the user. Then he will be required to receive the update, place it next to the executable file of the application (or into a specifically designed folder) and launch the application.

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