A single network dongle installed on any work station or server in the LAN is sufficient to ensure the operation of the protected application.

The client (Guardant Net API and/or automatic protection vaccine) or server (Guardant Net server) component of Guardant software enables the dongle’s network operation. The configuration files of the client (GnClient.ini) and the dongle’s server (GrdSrv.ini) must be set up to connect the client and server components of the Guardant Net software.

On startup Guardant Net server reads and commits to memory the network resources and other parameters of the dongles that are connected to its computer. The protected client needs to register on the server (by executing the function GrdLogin) in order to start working with the dongle.

In the process of client registration the server checks if a dongle with the requested parameters is connected to the computer and decrements the value of the network resource by 1. Otherwise, it returns the error message “Dongle not found” to the client. Upon successful registration the application will be able to perform all the available operations with the dongle. Upon completing its work, the application logs out of the server (by executing the function GrdLogout). In the process of logging out the network resource of the respective dongle is incremented by 1.

If a client requests registration on the Guardant Net server at any time when the dongle’s network resource is depleted (equals 0), the server will return a corresponding error and a copy of the requested will not be launched.

Important information

Network resources are adjusted not in the dongle’s memory but in the server’s memory. This guarantees the dongle’s network resource security during hardware failures in the network, work station lockups, etc.

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