Generating an xml-file with obfuscation results


Dongle type:



 After symbol obfuscation, all elements of a protected assembly receive a new randomly-assigned name. A MAPfile in XML format is generated when setting the /MAP option. This file contains the obfuscator’s results: which of the assembly’s elements were renamed and the new names they received. 

This file is needed if the MSIL-code autoprotection utility CodeProtect.exe is used together with the obfuscator, which defines the exceptions file. Since the exceptions file describes unobfuscated names, the utility needs to additionally define a MAP-file for locating the corresponding obfuscation method in the protected code. 


CodeObfuscator.exe /GS3S /SE /INIT /SO / MyProg.dll

The .NET library MyProg.dll will be bound to the Guardant Sign dongle and obfuscated, and its strings encrypted. Obfuscation results will be saved into the file.




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