Dongle serial number verification:

/US [=[0x]s]

Dongle type:


Parameter value:



Option /US serves for binding the application to a specific dongle. In this case the protected application will run only when the dongle with the serial number matching the value defined during the process of setting the protection is connected to the computer.

This mode of protection is ‘softer’ than the previous one: it uses a dongle parameter, which can be written into the dongle. Thus, if a dongle fails, it is possible to manufacture another one with the same serial number to replace the failed dongle.

Important information

During the process of binding to a Guardant dongle with option /US, the binding will be done to the serial number of the connected Guardant dongle. This rule also applies to the options of binding to all other dongle parameters: version, mask, program number, etc. (discussed below).


NwKey32.exe /GS3S /US MyProg.exe

NwKey32.exe /GC /US=0xFFFE MyProg.exe

NwKey32.exe /GN3S /GS3 /US MyProg.exe

In the first example the protected application MyProg.exe will run only with Guardant Sign dongle (option /GS3S), which was connected to the computer at the moment of setting the protection (option /US, the serial number of the connected dongle is used).

In the second example MyProg.exe will run only with Guardant Code dongle with the serial number of FFFE in hexadecimal format (option /US=0xFFFE).

In the third example MyProg.exe will run only with Guardant Sign Net or Guardant Stealth III dongle (options /GS3 and /GN3S) with serial number matching the number of Guardant Sign Net и Guardant Stealth III dongle (option /US) connected to the computer at the moment of setting the protection.

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