Creation of a customized file with vaccine messages:


Dongle type:




If an error of some kind occurs during the launch of a protected application, vaccine will return a respective message and the application will stop.

Messages are taken from .MSG file during the software protection process and get written into the vaccine. <Protection_utility_name> .MSG file located in the folder containing the respective protection utility is used by default.

File with extension .MSG appears as a regular text file containing 16 lines.

Each line contains one of the main messages that the vaccine will show during the application launch (see file NwKey32.msg for details).

You can use your own customized messages for the vaccine. In order to do this you need to edit the default .msg file (NwKey32.msg). Each message must be written in a separate line, each message should fit in a single line, no blank lines in the .msg file allowed.

You need to specify a new name for the file with messages and, if necessary, the path to this file in /MSG parameter. If the path is not specified, the utility will be searching the current folder for NwKey32.exe file.


NwKey32.exe /GS3S /MSG=с:\mydir\MyMes1.msg MyProg.exe

Nwkey32.exe /GC /MSG=MyMes2.msg MyProg.exe

In the first example the vaccine messages will be taken from MyMes1.msg, file located in C:\MyDir, folder, and in the second example – from MyMes2.msg file located in the folder with NwKey32.exe utility.

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