Creating the secure storage location, if it was not previously created


Dongle type:



This option creates 32 and 64-bit trusted containers CodeStorage32.dll and CodeStorage64.dll containing the MSIL-code instructions (for CodeProtect.exe) in case such containers have not been previously created while working with the obfuscator.


Important information

The secure storage location is unified for the obfuscator and code protector and differs only by the processor family. Thus, the /INIT option can only be run once at the very beginning of an operation when using both .NET autoprotection utilities. Otherwise, if, for example, /INIT is called repeatedly when protecting code with CodeProtect.exe, the secure storage location will be recreated and the results of the obfuscator’s work will be deleted.


CodeProtect.exe /GS3S /PER=80 /INIT MyProg.dll

The .NET-library MyProg.dll will be bound to the Guardant Sign dongle. 80 percent of its methods will be encrypted and transferred to the created secure storage location.

CodeProtect.exe /GS3N /PER=30 MyProg_obfuscated.exe

The previously obfuscated file will be bound to the Guardant Sign Net dongle. 30 percent of its methods will be encrypted and transferred into the existing secure storage location previously created during obfuscation.

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