Creating the secure storage 


Dongle type:



This option creates 32 and 64-bit trusted containers CodeStorage32.dll and CodeStorage64.dll containing the MSIL-code instructions (for CodeProtect.exe).

Important information

The secure storage location is unified for the obfuscator and code protector and differs only by the processor family. Thus, the /INIT option must only be run once at the very beginning of an operation when using both .NET autoprotection utilities. Otherwise, if, for example, /INIT is called repeatedly when protecting code with CodeProtect.exe, the secure storage location will be recreated and the results of the obfuscator’s work will be deleted.


CodeObfuscator.exe /GS3S /SE /INIT MyProg.dll

The .NET-library MyProg.dll will be bound to the Guardant Sign dongle and its strings will be encrypted and transferred to the created secure storage locations CodeStorage32.dll and CodeStorage64.dll.

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