In the microcontrollers based on CORTEX-M3 core, on which Guardant Code dongle is based on, there is interconnect address space of 4Gb. The following ranges of addresses are available for the loadable code.

00020000h-0003FFFFhFlash for loadable code and ROM (for dongles with 128 KB Flash memory)
00020000h-00077FFFhFlash for loadable code and ROM (for dongles with 352 KB Flash memory)
40003000h-40007FDFhRAM for loadable code

The range of used addresses is indicated in makefile (CFG_PROGRAM_ADDR, CFG_PROGRAM_SIZE, CFG_RAM, CFG_RAM_SIZE parameters). The assigned addresses must be multiple of 0x8000 bytes and be aligned by 32768 byte border.

The range of addresses available to the loadable code is described in the respective hardware algorithm descriptor. GrdUtil automatically fills in the respective descriptor fields with information from the *.bmap file.

Since the whole Flash memory and RAM is reserved for the loadable code by default, you should not change these settings unless absolutely necessary.

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