After receiving the update request, the developer creates an update dump and sends it to the end-user.

Important information

  1. A dongle of the model same to the dongle being updated must be connected to the computer port during the update.
  2. Updating modern dongles is performed using Trusted Remote Update technology (see Item Trusted Remote Update). According to this technology a password (private key) for remote update must be set in advance. This password will be written into the dongle along with mask data as well as saved in a dump prior to selling the dongle to the end-user.

1. Prior to initiating the dump update receipt procedure load the mask, which will be used for updating the remote dongle into the GrdUtil and make required changes in it.

A template, mask file or dump can be used for updating.

If the remote update is dump-based, it becomes difficult sometimes to find the right one from the large number of dumps. Execute command Database | Load dump by number-question in order to load the last dump for the remote dongle into Mask Editor automatically.

Enter the update request received from the end-user ([From file] button or [Paste]) into the window of the dialog box that will appear.

After clicking [OK] the relevant dump for the remote dongle will be automatically found by remote dongle ID and loaded into Mask Editor.

Enter the required changes into the dump and initiate the update dump creation procedure.

Important information

If the structure of mask template or dump is changed during editing, you need to save the edited mask into the database in order to continue the update process. I.e. a new template with a unique name and/or version is created and update will be based on this newly created template.

Changing structure presumes deleting/adding fields as well as editing the contents of fields protected by hardware locks 


2. Execute command Dongle | Update dongle to create an update dump.

Dongle memory update dialog box, implemented as a wizard containing several pages, will appear on the screen. Use [Next >] and [< Back] buttons located in the lower part of the window to move between pages.

    1. Select item Client sent number-question for remote dongle update (During file or mask template updates this item is the only one availableX) and enter the received update request into the field. Use the following buttons for entering:
      • [Paste] if the number-question is in the clipboard
      • [From file] if the number-question is stored in a text file
        After this the dongle identifier value, retrieved from the update request, will appear in the dongle ID field.

        Important information

        If Database | Load dump by number-question command is successfully executed during the dump update, the update request will be entered into the field automatically and ID value will not appear.

    2. After clicking [Next >] Update type page with selector will appear on the screen. The selector status (available update types) depends on the mask type used for reprogramming the dongle (dump, template or mask file) as well as on the dongle type.

      Select the required update item and click [Next]. The following several pages serve for setting the update parameters. Each type of updates is described in details in Section Update type below.

      Important information

      In many cases it is convenient to use the following scheme for receiving the update dump: make all required changes in the mask in advance and then select Entire dongle memory update item during the execution of Remote update dialog.

    3. After defining the update parameters Answer generated page will appear on the screen. It allows for selecting the mode for further processing the received dump.


    4. After clicking [Next >] the dump will be saved in a file or will be attached to an email. Result page will appear on the screen. This is the last page of the dialog displaying the operation results.

      If the database is used, GrdUtil.exe will register the fact of remote dongle programming after the creation of the update dump and assign incomplete status to this operation. I.e. a new dump will be added to the mask dump list with defined parameters and Completion status column will display In progress for it (see Dumps section).
      The generated update dump is to be supplied to the end-user.

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