Guardant dongle is a highly effective mean of software/hardware protection. It allows building protection of virtually any level of complexity and tamperproofness.

Use automatic protection utilities for protecting ready-to-use applications against the attempts to learn their operating logic. To ensure proper protection it is recommended to use the following options:

If the use of /RIP_CODE and /IMPORT_HOOK options significantly slows down the work of the application, it is recommended to use /RIP_CODE_LIST and /IMPORT_HOOK_LIST options for optimizing the speed of the protected application.

In the event when the tie is done to Sign or Time dongle use ECC160 asymmetric algorithm operating option. Whereas, random data will be generated and signed by a digital signature on elliptic curves directly in the dongle in the course of operating the protected application. Later the signature will be verified by Guardant API function, protected by pseudo code, traffic encryption and other protection mechanisms.

Autoprotection Principle

The Native protection is based on a vaccine implemented as a universal external module. All protection functions are supported by this module. 

This serves for complete unification of the protection process.

Here is the description of Guardant automatic protection:

A small executable module is embedded into the body of the protected application (internal vaccine). At the application startup it loads an external vaccine from a separate file. And the latter performs all necessary checks and conversions of protected application’s code and launches of the application.

Besides, the use of the external module of protection enforces the tamperproofness of the system and prevents the learning of its logic using debuggers.

The Guardant vaccine file is named GrdVkc32.dll, which is included into the automatic protection kit.

GrdVkc32.dll vaccine must be located in a folder accessible by LoadLibrary function during the protected application startup (in the current folder, system folders of Windows, protected application folder, one of the folders of PATH list). 

Native Autoprotection Limitations

  1. Autoprotection should be set using a dongle of the same model that will be shipped with the protected application.
  2. To ensure the successful setting process of autoprotection as well as protected application running, the dongle [to which the application is being bound] must contain symmetric-key algorithm (GSII64 or AES).
  3. The hardware algorithm determinant in the dongle used for protection should be identical to the determinant of the same algorithm in the dongle from the protected application package.

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